Hp Bios Editor Software

Hack a hp bios by technocrat25 11 years ago In reply to How to hack HP laptop BIO. There is no way to hack the hp bios setting you have to do this by recover the hp password. RBE - Radeon BIOS Editor is a portable utility that enables you to modify several ATI BIOS files parameters. UEFI BIOS Updater 2018-05-03 18.1 MB.

HP MIK is a client-management-console-agnostic solution that extends management aspects to HP hardware, BIOS, and software capabilities. The purpose of HP MIK is to enable a user experience that simplifies routine enterprise process and tasks by integrating into existing tools and workflows. Deploy HP MIK to begin enjoying these key benefits. From the developer: 'Bios Logo Changer is a program for changing AWARD bios logo and converting bitmaps into AWARD BIOS logo format and inversely (EPA to BMP). This logo is a picture that is shown. Home of BIOS & BMC Firmware. AMI provides a comprehensive lineup of debug and diagnostic tools, pre-boot utilities and development systems to help improve the development experience and speed time to market.

I recently figured out how to skip importing Dell Drivers into ConfigMgr and just dynamically apply them during OSD using the Dell Command Update tool. Being that I have some HP computers, I was hoping to do something similar with their driver updater, but it was more work, and the documentation was poor, so I put that idea on hold. Now that I’m setting up a new ConfigMgr environment, I thought it would be a good time to go down that road again, as I don’t want to mess with importing drivers into my new system.

My Goals for doing this is:

  1. Not having to import Drivers into the ConfigMgr console (Not saying that is bad, as it’s supported by MS, and just works, I just don’t like driver management. I like a clean console)
  2. Having the latest Video Wi-Fi Chipset etc drivers installed during OSD with minimal maintenance.

This solution requires two HP Software items to be setup and working together.

  1. HP System Software Manager (SSM) (Client Package during OSD & Server Side)
    Documentations: PDF – Gives Command Line info, and explains in more detail the commands I use below.
  2. HP SoftPaq Download Manager (Server Side)

Server Update Share: You’ll need a Server to host your SoftPaqs and create your file share. I’m using my ConfigMgr Source Server, and created a new Share.

  1. Create a new Folder for your HP Updates, then Share it: ServerHPSSM$ (or whatever you want to name it.)
    Share Permissions: Domain Users & Domain Computers = Read
  2. Share Security: Add Domain Computers, Read & execute
  3. Install HP SoftPaq Download Manager (I used the defaults) – This can be on the server or Admin Workstation – I installed locally on source content server for simplicity.
  4. Setup your Configuration, OS & Models & Set Download Directory)
    Download Folder= The Directory you used for your Share
    Choose the OS you want to download drivers for. You might have to play with this a little, nothing showed up for Windows 7 x64, until I choose the “Enterprise” version, it was the opposite for Windows 10.
    Select the Models of HP you have, I only have these 3 Models
  5. Now click “Find Available SoftPaqs in upper left, and it will populate.
  6. Select the updates you want, then click Download

Now, install the System Software Manager on the Server

  1. I just followed the defaults to let it install (Or install this on a test machine)
  2. Copy the SSM.exe & ssm.cab from C:Program Files (x86)Hewlett-PackardSystem Software Manager to your Softpaq Download Folder and run the command from that directory: ssm /am_bld_db
    Note: in my Example, D:SharessrcUpdatesHPSoftpaqs = serverhpsum$ (Driver Store Share)
    1. This will create the ssmcva.mdb & ssmcvalc.mdb files in that directory
  3. Now your share is setup, your drivers downloaded and driver database created.

Create your Package for OSD and place in TS

  1. Batch File (Load_HPDriverUpdates.cmd)

    REM Run SSM.exe pointing to Source Server for Driver Store Info

    SSM.exe server.fqdnhpssm$ /a /noreboot /log:c:cabsInstallLogs

  2. SSM.exe (Grab from the one you installed on the Server)
  3. SSM.cab (Grab from the one you installed on the Server)
  4. Create TS Step – Run Command Line: cmd.exe /c Load_HPDriverUpdates.cmd & set the Package to the one you created.
    This step is well after the computer joins the domain, so it has access to the Update Share you created based on the fact it’s a Domain Computer.
    Right after that Step, I have a “restart” step to allow the drivers to apply, then continue on.
  5. Then during OSD you’ll see this:

After OSD is complete, you’ll have your Drivers installed.

One other thing I did to make this work was import several network / storage drivers into the base WIM, to ensure the machine had basic support (Using the Dell WinPE Driver Cab for Win10 & Win7). I set this up for my Dell computers, but the basic drivers work on the HP as well, I didn’t have to do anything extra to support the HP machines. I’m not going to go cover that process here, please refer to my earlier Post for Dell HERE.

Systems Tested on: (Test Scenario: All drivers are already available in WIM via Build and Capture, or using HP SSM to apply any available updated drivers or missing Drivers, NOT using the Apply Driver step in ConfigMgr)

  1. Windows 7 x64
    1. Revolve 810 G1 – Note – USB 3 driver causes BSOD when Installing, tried several versions, get BSOD installing anyone w/ Win7. However, after BSOD, it does appear to be installed.
      Also, the NFC driver doesn’t install during OSD. It shows “Unknown Device”, if I run the same command outside of OSD, it installs it fine. Still trying to figure that one out.
    2. Revolve 810 G2 – Note – SMB Bus driver was missing, I couldn’t find an available softpaq for it. It was the Synaptic SMB Bus driver, so I added it directly into the Windows WIM during B&C. I was unable to find the individual driver download on HP’s site, but it was included in the large Drive pack download. Now that the driver is in the B&C WIM, all drivers are installed by the end of OSD.
    3. Revolve 810 G3 - All Drivers were installed properly. I think it would have had the same issue as the G2 with the SMB Bus Driver, but since I tested after applying the WIM fix for the G2, guess I’ll never know.
  2. Windows 10 x64
    1. Revolve 810 G1 – Does not install the Audio Driver, defaults to the Generic HD driver & JMicron PCIe SD Host Controller was missing – Was not listed on HP’s site, but the Windows 7 Driver – Was able to edit the sp63637.cva file on the SSM share to add Windows 10. Works fine.
    2. Revolve 810 G2 – Does not install the Audio Driver, defaults to the Generic HD driver, Needs sp65631 installed (IDT Audio) – Was able to edit the sp65631.cva file on the SSM share to add Windows 10.
    3. Revolve 810 G3 – Installed all Drivers, no missing drivers after OSD.

Hp Bios Editor Software Downloads

My Recommendations, use the HP Driver Package like you’ve always done, then use HP’s Update Software to Update specific Drivers to the latest versions (Video / WLAN / LAN / etc)

Hp Bios Editor Software Windows 10

Not all drivers would apply, and it did take some modifications of the .cva files to get it working fully. Overall, I think this is a good technology to supplement driver packages, but not completely replace it.

Hp Bios Editor Software Download

Other thoughts: You can also use this to update bios, I have tested this, and works. Make sure you do it before you enable Bitlocker. This does NOT work in x64 PE, you have to do it in x86 PE or after the OS is installed. One odd thing, it will apply the bios update every time the computer is imaged, even if it is the same version. Not sure why that happens. I’m currently using the Application Model to deploy HP Bios to machines in production.